Ministry Team Descriptions
Conference Administration Team
The Conference Administration Team oversees and facilitates the administration and operations of the conference, providing administration services to all participants, team members and guests. The administration team takes care of the registration process, logistics, financial matters, timetabling, session bookings, the Conference HelpDesk, room management, and myriad other functions that keep the conference running smoothly.
The counsellors offer professional counselling and Holy Spirit ministry, first to country and church leaders, and then to as many women as possible who need counselling during a conference. The counsellor meets with an individual for approximately one hour, with the assistance of an interpreter if needed.
Creative Design
The Arise creatives work with the keynote speaker and other ministry teams to create physical spaces, experiences and prophetic gestures that underline and express the theme of a conference. Due to tight security, the Creative Team includes the only official photographers permitted to capture Arise moments in sessions, workshops, electives, ministry and fellowship spaces.
Freedom Prayer
Freedom Prayer sessions provide a safe space where women talk freely and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, discover the root of the problem that is keeping them bound. As the gifts of the Holy Spirit are released through the team, and based on speaking the truth of God's Word, prayer for freedom and healing is directed. (Freedom prayer is not counselling.)
Health and Wellbeing
The Health and Wellbeing team provide first aid and medical assistance to the whole conference, as well as information and education on women’s health issues that are specific to the women of Central Asia and pertinent to the individual woman. The team enables women to enhance their personal health and well-being; empowering women to be health promoters in their families and communities.
Intercessory Prayer
The Intercessory Prayer Team is the engine room of a conference, before and throughout. These intercessors come before God for the needs of all women attending Arise and keep a conference covered in prayer. This is an integral part of the prayer ministry of Arise, with the team members
travailing for God’s plans to be fulfilled in the lives of individuals and over the intent of a conference.
This program offers young women a leader’s eye into Arise. Interns may be on staff in their church or parachurch organisation or operating at a high level of leadership within their professional lives. The Arise experience gives them a window into the formation and function of a multi-national global mission conference.
IT & Audio/Visual
The IT/AV Team keeps the audio-visual (AV) technology running throughout an Arise conference in the main auditorium and break-out spaces. The team also manages the technological challenges of the rest of Team Blessing members and participants as well as recording sessions for participants.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Team cares for the leaders of Arise. This team also oversees the general pastoral care of all attendees, oversees the altar ministry experience and stands watch over communion which, during Arise 2024 (A24) will be during worship. The women on this team must have attended an in-person Arise conference before being eligible for consideration.
Security & Support
The Security and Support Team maintains vigilance over the safety of all at an Arise conference and also oversees facilities. The team is on hand to assist with venue set up and pull down as needed as well as overseeing any matters relating to risk management.
Soak Room
The Soak Room at Arise is a creative, interactive prayer space. It comprises several stations where women can meet with God. The Soak Room Team first envisions this room, then creates the space
and then stands guard in a spiritual sense over what God is doing there. Team members never
interfere with what is usually a very private time with the Lord unless they see a woman in distress
who clearly needs a hug or a prayer.
The Spa Team brings the comfort, healing and the love of Jesus through touch and the living Word spoken over the women. Spa sessions consist of a loving and caring massage of head, neck and shoulders, and hand and foot washing. By Spirit and through the Word, many women experience healing and a clearer understanding of the Father’s heart of love for them. No counselling occurs.
Speakers Team
Speakers are hand-selected, matching assignment with gifting. There are several speaking opportunities at Arise — plenary sessions, emceeing and elective teaching. Speakers must be soaked in Word and Spirit, be sensitive to the cultures of Central Asia and beyond, informed and relevant, and devoid of personal agendas.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is the act of accompanying another who may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed by what God is doing in them at that time. A spiritual director listens gently while the Holy Spirit is intentionally invited to be present. What unfolds from within the directee is God-given wisdom already implanted within and waiting to surface to conscious awareness.
During the days of an Arise conference, this team captures the testimonies and stories of women in attendance. Some stories are filmed, and some are written. Strenuous effort is made to guard the anonymity of each woman where there is great risk if her story was discovered and tracked back to her or her family.
The Translation Team provides translation services, primarily between Russian/English-English/Russian, along with some Central Asian languages, Arabic and Persian. Translators work prior to an Arise conference preparing written material and within a conference in plenary and elective sessions and with the appointment-based teams, Pastoral Care Team and Conference Administration Team.
The Worship Team leads a conference in praise and worship, drawing everyone closer to God. The worship leader prepares songs in English and Russian and draws on other worship giftings and resources in the ministry team when available to enhance the worship experience.